Faculty of Engineering

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Educating engineering required of environmental protection and the creation of a recycling society

In 1962, when comprehensive development of Hokkaido was under way through the improvement of land, the construction of roads, bridge, dams, ports and harbors, and other projects, Hokkai-Gakuen Junior College, the predecessor of Hokkai-Gakuen University, established day and evening courses in the Department of Civil Engineering in preparation as a university. In 1968, the courses were reorganized as Hokkai-Gakuen University's Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Architecture and Building Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering. In 2005, the Department of Civil Engineering was renamed as the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering consists of two courses: Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Environmental Information. The Civil and Environmental Engineering course helps students to acquire expertise in engineering associated with the improvement of infrastructure and to gain a global perspective through studies of key subjects in maintenance, Disaster Prevention, and Planning and Design. The Environmental Information Course fosters a new breed of engineers with wide perspective and knowledge of the environment and human beings, through the acquisition of traditional engineering expertise, information technology and communication skills. The curriculum is based on studies of environment, information and urbanize. Both courses enable students to acquire practical skills through many opportunities of experimentation and onsite training. Subjects on ethics in engineering, engineering English and presentation skills are also offered.

Department of Architecture and Building Engineering

In today's transition into a "recycling society", we must ask ourselves how to improve our living environments. Simultaneously, safe and comfortable buildings taking into account of preventing and mitigating of disasters and universal design are demanded. In order to meet these needs, broad knowledge ranging from architectural design to urban planning, and the ability to apply such knowledge to actual problems, are required. Flexible ideas on renewing and utilizing old buildings are also desirable.

In order to become an accomplished architect or architectural engineer, one must not only cultivate artistic sensibility and engineering skills, but also have interest towards social sciences. Based on such demands, our department offers a curriculum that consists of common fundamental courses and extensive specialized courses that also include courses focusing on design and technology applied in Hokkaido's cold and snowy climate.

Department of Electronics and Information Engineering

Pursing technologies and creativity needed in information oriented society.

Hokkai-Gakuen University established the Department of Electronics and Information Engineering in 1987. The 1980s was a decade in which electronics and information related technologies done remarkable progress. In 1979, NEC released the first personal computer in japan. In 1984, a predecessor of the Internet, JUNET (Japan University Network) was launched. Afterwards, the computer industry and information processing sector has been rapidly extended. The Department was established to fit the needs of residents in Hokkaido, which was under-industrialized. The Department has aimed at developing advanced technologies and fostering people who can contribute the activation of the local economy.

The curriculum of the Department has four focus areas of study: Mathematics and Physics, Electronics, Information and Applied Studies. According to needs for technology, comprehensive studies cover from the basic to application. Students hone their practical skills through intensive exercises, experiments and training sessions. The Department offers high quality education for engineers who will play an active role on the international stage.

Department of Life Science and Technology

The educational aims of the undergraduate program in the Department of Life Science and Technology are to establish a broad background in basic sciences, life sciences and information technologies with human, and to provide opportunities for advanced training and independent work.

The first goal is achieved through required introductory courses in biology, mathematics, physics, and chemistry, followed by intermediate-level courses in the area(s) elected by the student. Courses at the 100-level complement the conceptual richness of the introductory and intermediate sequences, and provide the students with factual and in-depth background on independent reading, tutorial seminar, and graduate-level courses and seminar offer a wide range of opportunities to acquire professional expertise and to participate in the exciting developments of diverse research programs. Studies and researches include, particularly, two broad fields both biotechnologies and information technologies.

We look forward to blooming many technologists with highly regarded knowledge and ethical norms to the new fields of life sciences from this Department.